Contact Us
NAMCO's manufacturing, repair and service facilities are located in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
It is Canada's fifth largest urban area and also a major logistical and transportation hub with
access to global markets. It makes it easy for all our clients to purchase and service NAMCO
products which are shipped all over the world. We invite you to visit our facilities for a
first-hand look at our new plant and equipment, as well as to meet with our team.
At NAMCO, we believe that an in-person tour will best display our impressive and extreme engineering,
manufacturing, repair and service capabilities. We look forward to your visit.
Visit us:
Canada Headquarters
NAMCO Machine & Gear Works
9168 – 35 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6E 6N9
Office Administrative Hours - 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Shipping/Receiving Hours - 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Mountain Standard Time (GMT -07:00)
USA Headquarters
NAMCO Machine & Gear Works USA LLC
12200 Mayfield Road
Chardon, OH, USA
Hours - 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00)
Call us:
CANADA - Tel: +1.780.463.5602
USA - Tel: +1.440.286.1010
E-mail us:
General Inquiries Canada
Products and Parts Canada

Career Oppportunities Canada

General Inquiries USA
Products and Parts USA

Career Oppportunities USA

E-mail messages are received 24 hours per day.
NAMCO is also served by all express mail services.